Printable Purchase Order Template

As a business owner, managing your inventory and ensuring a smooth supply chain is crucial for the success of your business. One important tool that can help you streamline your purchasing process is a purchase order template.

In this article, we will explore what a purchase order is, why it is important for business owners, and how to create one effectively.

What is a Purchase Order?

A purchase order is a document that serves as a formal request from a buyer to a seller for the purchase of goods or services. It outlines the details of the items to be purchased, including quantity, price, and delivery terms. It acts as a legally binding contract between the buyer and the seller, ensuring transparency and accountability in the purchasing process.

Purchase orders can be created using various software applications or templates that are readily available online. These templates provide a standardized format for recording and tracking purchase orders, making it easier for business owners to manage their inventory and keep track of their purchases.

Customizable purchase order template with a clean layout and organized sections for easy order management.
Sample Purchase Order Template

Why Should Business Owners Use Purchase Orders?

Using a purchase order offers several benefits for business owners:

  • Organized Record Keeping: It provides a systematic way to record and track your purchases. This helps you maintain a clear and organized record of your inventory, making it easier to keep track of stock levels and reorder when necessary.
  • Better Communication: It serves as a communication tool between buyers and sellers. By clearly stating the details of the purchase, including item specifications, quantity, and price, you can ensure that both parties are on the same page, reducing the chances of misunderstandings or disputes.
  • Improved Efficiency: By using purchase orders, you can streamline your purchasing process. Having a standard format for purchase orders saves time and effort, as you can simply fill in the required information rather than creating a new document from scratch each time you need to place an order.
  • Financial Control: It helps you maintain financial control by ensuring that purchases are authorized and within budget. By requiring approval before placing an order, you can prevent unauthorized spending and keep your expenses in check.
  • Audit Trail: It creates an audit trail, allowing you to track and review your purchasing history. This can be useful for analyzing spending patterns, evaluating supplier performance, and identifying cost-saving opportunities.

How to Create a Purchase Order

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Download a Template: Start by downloading our free printable purchase order template available on this website.
  2. Customize the Template: Once you have chosen a template, customize it to include your company’s name, logo, and contact information. You may also want to add any specific terms and conditions that apply to your business.
  3. Add Purchase Details: Fill in the necessary information for each purchase, including the item description, quantity, price, and any applicable taxes or discounts.
  4. Include Delivery Information: Specify the delivery address and any special instructions for the shipment.
  5. Obtain Approval: If required, obtain the necessary approvals for the purchase order before sending it to the supplier.
  6. Share the Purchase Order: Once it is complete and approved, share it with the supplier via email or any other preferred method.
  7. Track and Manage: Keep a copy of each purchase order and use it to track the status of your orders and manage your inventory.


Purchase orders are a valuable tool for business owners, helping them manage their inventory, maintain financial control, and improve communication with suppliers.

Streamline your procurement process with our printable purchase order template! Customizable to your purchasing needs, this template provides clear sections for item descriptions, quantities, prices, and vendor information. Simplify communication with suppliers and ensure accuracy in ordering with this user-friendly template.

Download now to optimize your purchasing workflow and maintain organized records of your business transactions effectively, facilitating smooth operations and cost control.

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